
Apac District UGIFT joint monitoring 2025

Apac District Technical leadership and the team from Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development had a join monitoring on the Uganda Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers Program Project for Uganda (UgIFT) projects at the District aiming at reviewing the progress of the UgIFT as the programme comes to the climax in December 2025.

Engaged in the monitoring were the District Health Officer, District Production Coordinator, District Education Officer, District Water Engineer, District Engineer, Micro Scale irrigation focal point person, Environment Officer, District Community Development Officer.

Opening the entry meeting at the District Headquarters, DCAO-Muboki Paul urged the Heads of Department implementing the project to avail the team with the necessary information where necessary.

Mr. Magara Nicholas, commissioner Ministry of Water and Environment says the project will end in December 2025 and according to the Permanent Secretary, all projects must be completed by June 2025.

He said the reason for coming to the ground is to receive the challenges encountered during project implementation making others incomplete/stall, impact of Micro scale irrigation to the farmers at the District.

“If the project is complete, the information will be got at District but the ones which are still ongoing and stall projects shall be visited,” Magara said.

The project areas visited were; Kidilani HC III, Kidilani Piped water system at Kidilani HC III, Apac Seed School, Olelpek HC III, Kungu HC III, Aganga HC III, one Demonstration garden and two farmers using Micro scale irrigation system.

Dr. Odongo Daniel James, DHO Apac said the projects of Kidilani, Olelpek, and Kungu were complete and operation except Aganga HC III which the construction is still on. This is because there was challenge in accessibility during rainy season as the road was block by floods but the contractor will resume work soon.

He noted that at Aganga HC III staff house had no component of Latrine which will surely affect the operation of the facility. Olelpek, Kungu, and Kidilani had no funds for recruiting staff yet Aganga is having and urged the team to report this to the Ministry.

Construction of Aganga HC III began on 10/1/2023 and Bygon Construction Ltd was contracted to construct the Maternity ward and staff house at the facility.